Erasmus University College Brussels

Erasmus University College Brussels

The problem

Erasmus University College Brussels is attended by approximately 5.500 students and is one of the largest Dutch-speaking colleges in Brussels. It has multiple campuses located in Brussels and offers a broad variety of bachelors, masters and graduates. In 2017, they brought the construction company Troubleyn in for refurbishing the old dining hall. They in turn contacted us to safeguard the peace and quiet of the very large hall with our appropriate acoustic solutions.

Our solution

The lay-out of the dining hall’s refurbishing was already determined by the construction company. A large wall above the seating area to the side of the room was set aside for us to construct our COUSTwall. The COUSTwall was almost 12 meters in length and 2,33 meters high: an area of 27 m² of sound absorbing materials was necessary to optimize the dining hall’s acoustics. The installation went without a hitch and our assembly team made sure that the result would be stunning.


Our seamless, perfectly executed COUSTwall has become the absolute eye-catcher of this new dining hall. Not only the acoustics were optimized, the printed image of a vast forest affected the students’ state of mind, putting them at ease between lessons and examinations. This exquisite solution and the classy renovation of the room complement one another.

Used products

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T +32 9 296 46 10

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