General practice Zwalm

General practice Zwalm

The problem

The problem

Huisartsenpraktijk Zwalm represents a good mix of experience, evidence-based practice, and innovation. Patients can come here for minor and major ailments, ECG, sports medicine, pediatrics, cryotherapy, sutures, and smoking cessation support.

This state-of-the-art general practice struggled with poor acoustics due to the use of hard materials such as glass, stone and plastic. As a result, the intelligibility in the consultation rooms was significantly reduced, and the secretary’s phone conversations were much too loud in the waiting area. Doctor Decraecke wanted a beautiful and effective solution for this and contacted COUST.

Our solution

Our solution

The result of the bile measurement in the waiting room indicated a whopping 1.7 s. The practice rooms and the conference room with their 1.1 s were slightly better, but still far too high to be pleasant. So we went for an improvement to 0.7 s for the conference room and reception, to 0.8 s for the cabinets. The COUST placement team addressed the problem with COUSTwalls and COUSTpanels - all printed with a beautiful nature photo.



In the practice rooms, 2 COUSTpanels with prints were placed in each corner. Because everything is customized at COUST, the pictures flow perfectly from one panel to the other.

In the waiting room, the entire wall was covered with a COUSTwall with print.

The result is very beautiful and, of course, more importantly, the acoustics in Zwalm General Practice are now completely fine so that patients and doctors can hear each other perfectly and the disturbing noises in the waiting room are muffled.

The doctors are so satisfied that they have already recommended COUST to another GP practice where we will be installing the system shortly! There is no better advertisement!

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We deliver and install at the same price throughout Belgium and Northern France.

T +32 9 296 46 10

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