Inside pool: Private pool in Lille

Inside pool: Private pool in Lille

The problem

The problem

This beautiful, brand new indoor pool overlooking the garden had the same problem as so many pools: terrible acoustics.

The owner wanted to solve this problem as quickly as possible by adding absorption to the walls and ceiling. But aesthetics were obviously also a decisive factor, so he looked for a company that offers customized and super powerful solutions. That's how he found COUST!

Our solution

Our solution

The bile measurement gave a result of 3.8 s. Deafening, in other words! This, of course, was right up our alley. We tackled the problem with 4 COUSTceilings between the beams on the sloping ceilings and 1 COUSTwall with print at the entrance to the pool. A total of 34 m2 of absorption - good for lowering the reverberation value to 1.3 s.



COUSTceilings were measured out perfectly between the wooden beams. White fabric was chosen so that the acoustic panels would stand out as little as possible.

At the entrance to the pool, the owner wanted something more. The entire wall was covered with a COUSTwall printed with a carefully selected photo of an exotic place. Really an extra touch for the atmosphere!

But what's more: the original reverberation was reduced to 1/3! Absolutely a spectacular result! So thought our client. He was extremely satisfied and promised to recommend COUST. For which our heartfelt thanks in advance!

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